Yayınlanma Tarihi: 24 November 2015 Tuesday

Support for Cultural and Artistic Activities from Culture and Tourism Ministry

As our cultural values start to change radiply even become extinct together with globalization, monetary assistance for the projects to embrace our culture, ptotect the originality of our values, keep them alive, develop and hand them down from generation to generation is given within the scope of the cultural policies determined by Culture and Tourism Ministry.

Municipalities, Special Provincial Administrations, Village Service Unions, Associations and Foundations whose aims are to serve for culture, arts, tourism and promotional activities can apply for the support.


1- Application letter which includes the name and address of the institution and the summary of the request.

2- Partnership agreement, deed or certified copies of the bylaws from the Provincial Directorate (for Associations and Foundations)

3-Project (name, purpose, date, place, cost table program), Annex 1

4- List of people or community to participate in the event (artists, scientists, etc.),

5- Permit for the event by civilian superiors. Annex 2

6- In case of any change in the date of the event, Provincial Directorate must be informed in advance in written. New permit taken by Provincial Directorate and the activity program will be sent to the Ministery via Provincial Directorate.

Applications are made before 30 days from the date of the activity to Provincial Culture and Tourism Directorate with the documents above.

For the detailed information and the documents, click here.



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